Bible Studies

Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 9:30am
Meets in the Fellowship Hall
Sunday Bible Class - 9:30am
Meets in the Sanctuary

Come join Crafty Lutherans and learn how to do a new craft or bring one of your own projects with you! Not feeling crafty? That's okay, you can still join us for fellowship or help out with a service project we are working on. All ages - men, women, and children - are welcome

Reading Between the Wines is a book club. Each month a new book is selected to read then the group has a discussion about the novel read.

LWMS is women dedicated to serving Jesus by increasing awareness of, interest in, and support for the mission outreach of WELS.

Moms InC (Moms In Christ) is as service group of mothers whose kids are away to college or military. Moms join together for fellowship and creating care packages to send.

ACTS is a youth group for high school teens. The group gathers and has game nights, movie nights, or participates in community service projects.

Fun 50s is a fellowship group for fun people that are in their 50's, or thereabouts! Every month or so the group gathers together for a meal or other fun activity.

Young At Heart is the Senior Ministry program here at Hope. On a monthly basis, active seniors at Hope gather together for a meal and fellowship.